Judy's Tune RoomJudy's Tune Room


December 1, 2011 ET

Copy from second part of Bill White's Article:

I wrote last December about Judy Pancoast, the children's entertainer who was traveling the world — including 198 Firehouse Lane, Bushkill Township — to promote her song "The House on Christmas Street." Check YouTube and you'll find countless videos of displays blinking in time to this song. She wanted more radio airplay.

Ja­son Reph, the cre­ator of that great ani­mated display in Bushkill, just told me one of Pancoast's songs will be used in a heartwarming Christmas movie.

As Pancoast explains on her website, "Judy is beyond thrilled to announce that her original song, 'The Little Christmas Village,' will be featured on the soundtrack of the upcoming feature film 'Christmas with the Dead,' a zombie thriller based on a story by Texas' own award-winning and mojo-packed author, Joe R. Lansdale."

I loved this opening line on the "Christmas with the Dead" website: "The Christmas spirit never dies … even after people started becoming zombies." That would like great on a Christmas card.

I'll con­tribute this idea free of charge:

"Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, zombies nipping at your nose …"

bill.white@mcall.com 610-820-6105

Bill White's commentary appears Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays



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