Fans who are interested in supporting Judy's efforts to make "The House on Christmas Street" a hit. Your generosity in sponsoring "The House on Christmas Street International Tour" can help make it happen!
Donations in any amount are welcome and little as $1 will buy Judy a cheeseburger to help her power through the road trip. But there are some nifty "thank you" gifts for you in appreciation of your kindness at certain levels.
$5 will buy Judy a fast food meal, and you'll get a personally autographed photo with a heartfelt message of thanks from Judy! |
$10 will help Judy with the tolls, and you'll get a free mp3 of Judy's brand new Christmas song, which won't be released to the general public until 2011 |
$25 will just about fill Judy's gas tank half way, and you'll get the mp3 and a personally autographed copy of "The House on Christmas Street" full length CD! |
$50 will just about fill Judy's gas tank, and you'll get the "The House on Christmas Street International Tour 2010" official tour tee shirt! |
$100 will just about get Judy across Texas, and you'll get your name or your business name on the t-shirt, and of course you'll get the shirt too! |
$150 will get Judy most of the way from Lubbock, TX to Seattle, WA and you'll get:
- Your name or your business name on the t-shirt
- A tee shirt
- Your name or business name on Judy's tour web page.
$200 will get Judy all of the way from Lubbock to Seattle and you'll be a "47-Thousand Twinkling Lights" Level Sponsor with:
- Your LOGO and URL featured prominently (in larger type than at the previous level) on the Official Tour tee shirt
- A tee shirt
- Your LOGO and URL as "47-Thousand Twinkling Lights" sponsor on Judy's tour web page.
$500 will get Judy all the way across the USA and you'll be a"Band of Merry Snowmen" Level Sponsor, with:
- Your LOGO and URL featured prominently on the Official Tour T-shirt
- Two tee shirts
Your LOGO and URL as a "Band of Merry Snowmen" sponsor on Judy's tour web page
- A Deluxe Customized Version of "The House on Christmas Street" (customized_christmas_street.htm)
$1000 will just about get Judy across the country and back and you'll be a "Santa Claus up on the Roof" Level Sponsor, with:
- Your LOGO and URL featured prominently on the Official Tour T-shirt
- Four tee shirts
- Your LOGO and URL as a "Santa Claus up on the Roof" sponsor on Judy's tour web page
- A Super Deluxe Customized Version of "The House on Christmas Street" (customized_christmas_street.htm)